Located in Quindío, at the heart of the Eje Cafetero, Sebastian Ramirez' farm is located between 1.590 - 1.740 MASL. At his farm, he produces one of the best Pink Bourbon we have ever had the pleasure to try. He focuses his attention on processing and for this, he works closely with Q graders and Q Processing professionals who inspect the fermentation processes at the farm.
Sebastian works with an animal foundation called Bienestar Animal and he brings to his farm dogs that the foundation has rescued. Sebastian named his coffee lots after his dogs, so it is not weird to find a nano lot of Pink Bourbon called Garota or Tigre or any other non-coffee-related name.
El Placer means "The Pleasure" in English and after one tries Sebastian coffee it is clear why he decided to name his farm El Placer, as his coffees are outstanding. Currently, he exports all over the world to Specialty roasters and we have been fortunate to purchase a nano-lot of 240kgs from him. We have cupped this coffee at an exceptional 93 points!