In the heart of Meru, Kenya, Ugima Foundation stands as a beacon for sustainable farming. With 1,000 farmers, predominantly women, this Farmer Producer Organisation is reshaping lives through coffee cultivation.
Many families in the region depend on coffee as their primary income source, and Ugima Foundation recognised the potential and challenges they faced. In response, they launched a comprehensive program that includes specialised training in crop management, insightful education on fertiliser application, and the implementation of a continuous monitoring system.
The results are nothing short of impressive. Farmers under the Ugima Foundation's guidance have experienced a remarkable 40% boost in yields, coupled with a significant improvement in the cup quality. The foundation's commitment to preserving quality is evident in the separate processing of harvested cherries, ensuring the distinctiveness and excellence of the coffee remains uncompromised and unparalleled.
Beyond the tangible benefits, Ugima Foundation's approach embraces a holistic business model. This model ensures the prosperity of producers, fosters knowledge-sharing, promotes responsible cultural and environmental practices, and adds value along the entire supply chain. It epitomises the true essence of sustainable business practices.
Initiating their relationship with a modest 180kg order, Ugima Foundation's coffee is set to make its mark in the market. The organisation is confident that consumers will appreciate this clean example of Kenyan coffee, and they look forward to expanding this relationship, making this exquisite coffee a staple in their RAW coffee range – a testament to the success and sustainability achieved through Ugima Foundation's efforts.